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Riding in Atlanta: Potholes and Middle Fingers

Riding in Atlanta can have its advantages and prove to be an amazing way to experience a city built in the forest. But, this post is about the other side of riding in Atlanta. Potholes, constant construction, and arrogant driving habits lead to a lot of issues in riding and can turn a great experience into a dangerous one.

Should you find yourself on the 20, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for aggressive sized potholes spanning from the Westside to the Eastside of the city. There is no escape, only swerving. Leave plenty of room from the car in front of you, it might stop FOR NO REASON. This is a real thing and has happened to me and many others I know on multiple occasions. My advice would be to take the streets whenever possible despite the issues I'm about to mention.

Dodging traffic by taking the streets can be a solution... sometimes. To most Atlanta drivers blinkers are optional, checking your surroundings before a lane change is just too much of a bother, and Facetiming while driving is the most efficient way to personally broadcast your stupidity to friends and family. I've found that, like freeway riding, leave plenty of space for the inevitable illegal lane change or swerving texter. If they continue to drive like they're the only person on the road, your horn mixed with a middle finger has proven to be a useful tool in conveying your message.

What is your experience like riding in Atlanta? What about your City?

Remember to always watch your surroundings and always wear proper safety gear!

Enjoy the ride,


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